Intrepid Real Estate Education currently offers the following C.E. courses approved by the Georgia Real Estate Commission. Intrepid Real Estate Education is also approved to offer Virtual C.E. classes. Students throughout Georgia can now earn real estate C.E. credit!
Asset Enhancement & Protection
- Georgia Tax Appeals for Real Estate Agents (Course Code: 71782) 3.0 CE Hours. Agents have all the tools necessary to win tax appeals for themselves and their clients. Learn how Georgia tax appeals work and win them. Apply this knowledge to create ongoing dialog with prior, current, and prospective clients.
- Georgia Probate for Agents: Helping Clients Handle Real Estate Assets in Probate (Course Code: 71889) 3.0 CE Hours. Regardless of economy, circumstance, or socioeconomic background, death is inevitable. Real estate agents will deal with clients who will handle real estate assets of a deceased individual and their estate. After this course, real estate agents will be able to have higher-quality conversations with clients facing probate-related and death-related situations.
- Georgia Corporations & Land Trusts for Agents: Protect Your Assets, Business, & Privacy in a Litigious World (Course Code: 71888) 3.0 CE Hours. Real estate licensees are held to a higher standard of business conduct in all real estate transactions. In the course of doing business and going about their personal lives, every real estate licensee will eventually face the possibility of encountering an angry, litigious person. When that happens, litigious parties will often look for someone to blame or sue. In this course, students will learn about Georgia corporations, LLC’s, and land trusts so they can better protect their business, assets, and privacy.
Real Estate Broker License
- Chart Your Own Destiny: How to Get Your Georgia Broker’s License (Course Code: 75390). 3.0 CE Hours. The real estate industry is highly competitive. Every licensee seeks a competitive edge. One way to get a competitive edge is to get your GA broker license. Getting a broker license does not mean you have to stop selling real estate but having a broker license can better set you apart from other licensees. With a broker license, you have more flexibility in your business and have more professional opportunities available to you. Come learn all the things you can do with a broker license and learn what GREC allows (and does not allow).
Georgia License Law
- Georgia Real Estate License Law Review (Course Code: 71703) 3.0 CE Hours. GREC requires all real estate licensees to take 3.0 hours of real estate license law once every four years as part of their license renewal requirements. This CE course satisfies that license law requirement.
Fair Housing
- Fair Housing Case Studies & Lawsuits: Don’t Make the Same Mistakes They Made (Course Code: 75176) 3.0 CE Hours. Fair Housing continues to be an urgent issue today whether you are an agent helping clients buy and sell properties or a property manager leasing properties to tenants. In this special Fair Housing class, students will be reviewing numerous current Fair Housing case studies, lawsuits, and court cases. Students will learn the circumstances of why these Fair Housing lawsuits occurred and review the rulings and outcomes of these cases. There is always a story behind Fair Housing violations. When students learn the real-life stories behind case studies and lawsuits, they will be better equipped to recognize and be proactive when they encounter potential Fair Housing issues in their normal course of business. There is no need for agents and property managers to make the same Fair Housing mistakes others have made.
- Georgia Fair Housing: What Agents & Property Managers Should Know About Georgia’s Fair Housing Law (Course Code: 76067) 3.0 CE Hours. Most licensees are familiar with the importance of Fair Housing and you may have already taken a course in Fair Housing. However, do you really know Georgia’s Fair Housing law, specifically what is in the Georgia Fair Housing Act (GA Code, Title 8, Chapter 3, Article 4)? The Georgia Fair Housing Act is both complementary and separate to U.S. Fair Housing laws. Whether you are an agent, property manager, or landlord, you will want to expand your knowledge and find out what is in the Georgia Fair Housing Act that goes beyond basic Fair Housing concepts. We will cover what you need about the Georgia Fair Housing Act.
Investors & Investment Properties
- The Language of Investors: Become a Trusted Advisor to Long-Term Investors (Course Code: 71878) 3.0 CE Hours. Long-term investors have very different priorities than real estate agents and brokers. Their investments and investment decisions are deeply personal. These investors are always evaluating and making decisions in the context of how it affects their overall life, their current financial position, and larger financial goals. This course is for agents who want to improve the quality of conversations and develop a better rapport with long-term investors.
- Understanding & Working with Investors (Course Code: 71704) 3.0 CE Hours. Investors are different animals in the marketplace and have vastly different priorities than homeowners. Additionally, within the investor community, there are types of investors. Learn the different types of investors in the marketplace and how each type behaves and operates.
- Scouting & Evaluating Investment Properties: How to Find & Match the Right Properties to Different Investors (Course Code: 71890) 3.0 CE Hours. It is known that working with investors and investment property is primarily about the numbers and financial performance. However, before any acquisition of any property can occur, real estate agents must learn how to find, scout, inspect, and screen out candidates of investment property and match them to the right investors.
- YouTube 101 for Agents: How to Get Started with YouTube Marketing (Course Code: 75175) 3.0 CE Hours. YouTube is the most established video platform today. Hundreds of agents throughout the U.S. have YouTube channels today reaching potential clients both locally and nationally. Agents are able to reach potential leads and create relationships in a way never possible before. YouTube has become a well-accepted marketing practice for businesses. However, many agents are still unfamiliar with YouTube marketing or that it even exists. Those who are familiar and interested in doing it are intimidated by it. This course tackles these issues and more by pulling the curtain back of how to get started with YouTube marketing.
- Video Marketing for Agents: How to Use Video to Attract and Inspire Prospects to Like, Trust, and Hire You (Course Code: 71847) 3.0 CE Hours. In this age of widespread high-speed Internet, free YouTube, and affordable smartphones, video marketing is more accessible than ever before. Consumers are seeking and consuming more video content than ever before. Agents and Firms who use and adopt video marketing strategies jump to the front of the line with prospects and clients. Learn how to use video marketing strategies to inspire prospects to know, like, trust, and hire you.
- Educational Marketing for Agents: Attract New Clients & Expand Your Network through Teaching Others (Course Code: 71822) 3.0 CE Hours. This CE course offers an alternative to cold calls, junk mail, door-knocking, flyers, etc. by using educational marketing techniques to attract new clients and expanding your networking through teaching others. Today, there are many platforms to educate prospects and bring them in to your network.
- Too Many Agents: You Can Do Way More Than Sell Real Estate (Course Code: 75389) 3.0 CE Hours. You have your real estate license but you are not among the top 20%. What happens to the other 80% during tough economic times? Licensees do many things. They put their license on inactive status, go part-time, or let their licenses go. Even in the best of economic times, most agents know that there are far more agents than is necessary to support the actual number of transactions in the marketplace. Most of the licensed real estate industry is focused on selling real estate. But is that really all you can do with a real estate license? In this course, we will review of what GREC allows (and not allowed) to do as a licensee. We explore how licensees can capitalize and benefit from their licenses beyond selling real estate.
Property Management
- Property Management 101: How to Get Started in Property Management (Course Code: 76112) 3.0 CE Hours. You are a real estate agent or property owner who has never done property management before and you don’t know how or where to start. This course covers GREC requirements to set up a management firm and who is responsible for property management operations. Because so many functions of managing tenants and properties are now handled through property management software, we go over the major features, costs, and other factors in selecting property management software. We cover the support network you need to handle a wide berth of maintenance issues and legal support issues. If you are a beginner, this course will give you a jumpstart on what you need to get started in property management.
- Rules of Engagement: What You Need to Know About Managing Properties in Georgia (Course Code: 76113) 3.0 CE Hours. There are Georgia rules and laws that govern how property managers manage properties. Inside of these governing laws, there are many methods, techniques, and strategies of managing properties that successful property managers use. These methods, techniques, and strategies must stay under the umbrella of Georgia Landlord-Tenant law. We look at crucial areas every property manager needs to focus and pay attention to while complying with Georgia Landlord-Tenant law.
- Georgia Landlord Tenant Law (Part 1): Before Signing, Before a Tenant Moves In (Course Code: 71876) 3.0 CE Hours. This CE course provides an overview of Georgia Landlord Tenant Law. Part 1 covers Georgia Landlord Tenant Law matters before a residential lease has been signed, before a tenant has moved into the property, and lease initiation.
- Georgia Landlord Tenant Law (Part 2): After Signing, After a Tenant Moves In (Course Code: 71877) 3.0 CE Hours. This CE course provides an overview of Georgia Landlord Tenant Law. Part 2 covers Georgia Landlord Tenant Law matters after a residential lease has been signed, after a tenant has moved in, and lease termination. It is recommended that students take Part 1 before taking Part 2.
- Lease-Options for Agents & Property Managers: A Profitable Alternative to Traditional Rentals (Course Code: 71821) 3.0 CE Hours. Traditional rentals are commonplace and everyone knows how it works and its downsides. Lease-options are rare in the marketplace and there is little competition. Learn how lease-options work and how it can be used as a profitable alternative to traditional rentals and separate yourself from others in the marketplace.
Mortgages & Financing
- Alternative Financing: How to Use Seller-Financing Techniques to Close More Deals (Course Code: 71781) 3.0 CE Hours. This CE course discusses the benefits of seller-financing and how to use little-known seller-financing techniques (wrap-around mortgages, purchase money notes, and “subject-to” mortgages) to close more deals.