The Tax Freeze Workshop: How to Freeze Your Property Taxes in Georgia
In this special workshop, you will learn what Georgia’s three-year tax freeze is and how it you can get it for your properties. The key is completely going through Georgia’s property tax appeal process to get your tax freeze. Property tax appeal firms charge hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars property tax appeal services without ever educating their clients, providing paperwork, frequently leaving them in the dark. This workshop lifts the veil on how all this works. If you are a property owner in Georgia, you must learn how the Georgia property tax appeal process works. You will learn how to file and win property tax appeals in Georgia.
If you are a Georgia homeowner or Georgia landlord with a few properties, this special workshop is specially for you! This live workshop is a direct follow-up for the material covered in the upcoming book “Tax Freeze: How to File & Win Property Tax Appeals in Georgia!”
This workshop will save you hundreds to thousands of dollars per property each year!
We will cover the following:
- Tactics and strategies for homeowners and landlords
- Little known tactics & strategies that tax assessors offices do not want you to know
- Tactics and strategies tax assessor offices uses the system against you & how your can flip the script
- How to preserve your rights as a property owner and tax payer
- The ideal time to submit your tax appeal
- Online appeals vs. paper appeals (Which one is best and why?)
- How & Why You Need to Make a list of Defects, Deficiencies, & Deferred Maintenance (D.D.D)
- How to Determine the Appeal Value for your property
- How and when to take photos for your appeal
- Little-known tactics & strategies to gain leverage over your appeal
- What are tax appeal agents & when you should use them
- What is the Board of Equalization (B.O.E) & How They Work
- What 299(c) Provides For (Georgia “tax freeze” law)
- How and when you should negotiate a settlement
- Notice of Assessment (Pt-306 Form)
- Appeal of Assessment (PT-311-A Form)
- PT-311-A Variant Forms
- Important Timelines, Deadlines, and Headlines
- Change of Assessment (PT-306C Form)
- “No Change” Letter
- Continuation Letter
- And So Much More…..!!!
Digital Handouts will be provided one day in advance to early registrants to this workshop. If you register within 24-hours of this workshop, digital handouts will be provided after class.
Notice: This workshop is NOT for real estate agents and offers no C.E. credit. If you are a real estate agent, you may register and attend this workshop aa member of the public, but the primary audience of this workshop is for private homeowners and landlords. You will not be allowed to market, announce, or advertise yourself during this workshop. If you violate this rule, you will be disconnected from the workshop and no refunds will be given.